No Pussy No Work is a statement, a motto, a fact, an attitude, an idea, a lifestyle, a world view, a movement and a religion all at the same time. It is brilliant, innovative, iconic, and powerful. It is the expression of a whole generation of men who can't accept anymore the injustice of this brutally wicked and cruel world. Being denied something as essential as pussy is a violation of basic human rights and solely because of this violation many millions of men day by day decide to join the NPNW+ movement as a form of protest.
This protest is similar to a general strike. Dropping out of the workforce and taxforce is a very effective and peaceful form of protest. Society needs working young men and their taxes. Without them sooner or later everything men built in this civilization will deteriorate. All infrastructure, agriculture, technology, medicine and industry will inevitably collapse to a complete halt. The economic and societal collapse is slow and not something that people will notice instantly. Day by day the quality of products and services will get worse. The prices will slowly increase and basic goods and services will become unaffordable for most people. Most conveniences of modern life will slowly disappear. Ultimatively poverty, diseases, hunger, worldwide famines and wars over the few remaining resources of the world are inevitable. People will be asking where are the young working men? Why are they not working? Why did they quit society? What are their demands? Why did they join NPNW+?
NPNW stands for No Pussy No Work, the first and most important holy commandment of the NPNWNPNTNPNVNPNP philosophy. It has inspired millions of sexually oppressed men around the globe to quit working and stop contributing to this tyrannical society that deprives them of their essential reproductive rights and basic fundamental human rights. The message of No Pussy No Work is crystal clear, it is explicit, it is simple. Simple as.
As an innovative and forward-thinking organisation that supports tolerance, diversity and inclusivity, we believe that the plus sign is very important. NPNW+ reflects a commitment to inclusivity and recognition of the diversity within the worldwide NPNW community. The plus sign signifies that the community is diverse and includes other expressions that might not be explicitly listed in the acronym NPNW. Just to name a few examples: no draft, no tip, no help, no war, no donation etc
NPNWNPNTNPNVNPNP includes the full 4 holy pillars of the NPNW philosophy and it stands for No Pussy No Work No Pussy No Taxes No Pussy No Vaccine No Pussy No Peace. It is easier to just say NPNW plus.
No, absolutely not, NPNW+ is a peaceful movement. No peace is just a warning of what will be the inevitable result of no work and no taxes which are both caused by no pussy. A society with high unemployment rate and no tax revenue is a failed society because the goverment needs working people to maintain the infrastructure and agriculture. They also need taxes in order to govern the society and finance the police forces and the institutions that are necessary in order to maintain the order and ensure that rules, laws, and agreements are followed. Without those basic things poverty is inevitable. Crime is inevitable. The rights to the liberty and property of the citizens cannot be secured anymore. Just a quick comparison between failed states such as Haiti, South Africa, Somalia and successful states such as Switzerland, Germany and Denmark is enough proof that peace is only possible as long as men go to work and pay taxes, which of course is not good enough. No corruption and other crucial requirements are necessary too.
During the covid19 plandemic the mass media tried to encourage people to get the vaccine with the argument that it is ''our duty'' to get the vaccine and that we should do ''our part'' so that other people will get benefited from it, either the ''vulnerable'' people or the multibillionaire CEO's of the vaccine companies. The official stance of the NPNW organisation on this is perfectly clear: getting the vaccine is against the fundamental principles of a lonely and sexless pussy insecure man who is member of the NPNW+ movement. Such a man doesn't owe anything to anyone. It is not his ''duty'' to do something that will benefit sexhavers who don't care about his problems and never did their duty to help him anytime before. The ''not my problem'' mindset is one of the core values of the NPNW philosophy.
The NPNW philosophy is a groundbreaking and innovative philosophy based on the teachings of an unknown german philosopher, revolutionary and pioneer of Nopussynoworkism who first revealed the 4 pillars of the NPNW philosophy some where between 2020 and 2021 during the peak era of enlightening discussions in /r9k. He is considered by the members of the NPNW+ community as the founding father of Nopussynoworkism and as one of the greatest thinkers of the 21st century.
Nopussynoworkism explores the impact of slut culture and hypergamy in this dystopian society and argues for active goverment intervention in order to regulate the unbalanced sex market and stimulate expansion and absolute sexual justice for all male citizens who have currently no basic fundamental reproductive human rights in this dystopian godforsaken world. The NPNW philosophy offers innovative and groundbreaking perspectives and narratives that challenge traditional gynocentric and misandristic viewpoints.
Some people might get confused by the NPNW philosophy but actually it is very simple. If a man is not allowed to get something as basic and essential as pussy then he has no reason to contribute to this evil and oppressive society with his work, taxes and vaccinated status so in other words no pussy=no work, no pussy=no taxes and no pussy=no vaccine. It literally can't get any simpler than that. Simple as, really.
Yes, absolutely. We firmly believe that men are on the face of the earth to fuck pussy and if that godgiven right is taken from men then men are not obliged to work, pay taxes or contribute in any way, shape or form to this tyrannical society that doesn't respect the reproductive rights and basic human rights of men. No one should feel entitled to the labor and taxes of men. Society broke the most basic contract so society should not have any expectations or demands from men anymore.
Civilization is a collective agreement between men to distribute women equally and fairly between them. This prevents conflicts and allows for men to cooperate, build things and achieve greatness. Before organised societies men killed each other daily over breeding rights. The most successful murderers and conquerors had harems of women. Traitorous amoral women rewarded the most evil and sadistic men with pussy. This was the primitive caveman law but people realized that in the long term this is not sustainable because no one could trust anyone. Men wanted a carefree life where they can sleep without being afraid that their neighbor will kill them in their sleep in order to breed their woman. This is why men started making agreements with each other. Men wanted to build trust.
Mutual trust between people is the bedrock of any society. This is why socially imposed monogamy and the tradition of marriage were invented. Those crucial traditions ensured that every law abiding male citizen gets his fair share of pussy. There is a reason that every successful society throughout history from Ancient Greece and Rome to the British Empire and America (pre-feminism) restricted the sex market and especially the destructive and amoral female sexuality that rewards dishonest immoral criminals such as murderers and thieves. The patriarchy controlled it to reward moral and trustworthy hard working men who upkeep and advance our society. Every single nice thing humans ever created, from physics and democracy to the microwave and airplanes, was possible because of this collective agreement between the men of a civilized society. All the inventions and all the progress humanity made so far was possible because of this agreement. Men would bake mud bricks in the scorching sun 12 hours the day so they can be stacked up into a step pyramid for the god king if it meant that at the end of the day a loving and obedient wife at home would give them some pussy. Society is predicated on the guarantee of pussy. That is the contract. That is the deal being struck. Men go to work, pay taxes, abide by the laws and customs, defend their country from invaders and receive their exclusive and loyal wife to fuck every day and night right in the pussy. Society is a contract and pussy is the bribe to sign on. This contract was solely the reason why the human civilization achieved many great things in the past 3000 years. You can read more about the social contract here.
Humanity had a good run but in recent years feminism and politicians lifted all restrictions on the sex market, they destroyed monogamy and basically broke the entire contract. The consequences for society are catastrophical. The contract is not valid anymore, therefore many millions of men decided to quit work and society altogether. This will be known in the future as the mass exodus of men out of society.
Of course it is, without the work and taxes of hundreds of millions of men, the worldwide peace is at risk. Not just the peace but the prosperity and survival of humanity's great civilization is at risk solely because of no pussy. Experts and scientists have expressed many times their concerns over the years but nothing was done about it. It is completely absurd that the sex market nowadays is completely unregulated. In the far future our era will be seen as the wild west era of the sex market. We could prevent the rise of pussy insecurity of hundreds of millions of men that will inevitably cause worldwide famines and wars but we didn't, and future generations will find this totally inexcusable and rightfully blame us the same way we blame today nazis for the genocides they committed during world war 2.
Simply put because of no pussy but this does not mean that there is an actual pussy scarcity in this world. There is enough pussy in circulation to prevent the lonelineless and sexlessness of all men. The problem is that modern women nowadays deny pussy to nearly 90% of men. Those men face sexual exclusion and discrimination which is in fact a systemic sexual exclusion and discrimination. The misandristic feministic oppressive tyrannical regimes all over the world support this sexual injustice with oppressive policies that have accelerated this artificial pussy scarcity to astronomical levels. Basically there is a (wo)manmade artificial pussy scarcity backed up by evil wealthy people in power. It is as if millions of people in Brazil, Russia and Canada died by terminal dehydration despite having huge resources of freshwater in their countries. Such an absurd phenomenon would be totally unacceptable and inexcusable and surely many people would ask how something absurd like that could ever happen.
This is a complex issue and many different factors have contributed to this result. Just to name a few of the factors:
1) The fact that the sex market is completely unregulated. It is totally absurd that no policies regulate the sex market. Who is allowed to have sex and who isn't? and how much sex is each sexhaver allowed to have? No politicians in any country ever proposed any policies to regulate such things in order to prevent sexual injustice. This is why in the far future our era will be seen as the wild west era of the sex market.
2) Women's corrupted biology and hivemind. Women are attracted to a very small minority of men. Several studies confirm that women consider less than 10% of men in their prime age (15-35yo) attractive. Women also desire men much taller than them, which is problematic because a very small minority of the male population is over 6 feet so most men are simply not good enough for women just because of their genes they can't control. Lastly, women are attracted to men with evil and primitive traits such as psychopathy and narcissism. Those men are mostly murderers, thieves, drug dealers, gang members and all kinds of criminals and they get rewarded with pussy by women. In other words women collectively increase crime by breeding with men who pass those primitive traits on the next generation.
3) The female primitive brain supports polygyny. Females prefer to belong to the harem of a top tier man than be the exclusive gf/wife of an average man. In other words, women would rather be side-bitches than the main bitch. Of course those top tier men know their worth and use this opportunity to have as much fun as possible. They pump and dump hundreds of women but eventually they can only marry one of them which leads to another absurd phenomenon. Women complain ''where are all the good men'' because a top tier man didn't marry them despite having lots of sex with them, so now those bitter women have to settle for an average man.
Also noteworthy is that studies have shown that in cultures that permit men to take multiple wives, the intra-sexual competition that occurs causes greater levels of crime, violence, poverty and gender inequality than in societies that institutionalize and practice monogamous marriage. In other words women collectively increase crime and destroy human civilization with their polygynistic fetish.
4) The urbanisation of the population. Today, 55% of the world's population lives in urban areas, a proportion that is expected to increase to 68% by 2050. Living in cities made it a lot easier for women to have more options than ever before. This means women have nowadays much better chances to meet strangers and specifically the strange rare tall and attractive man they desire. This wasn't possible in the past because people in small communities had few options so the average woman had to pick an average man they knew already. The other negative aspect of urbanisation is the fact that most people in cities are strangers and have no idea who their neighbor is. In the past this wasn't possible. If a woman were a whore in a small community everyone would know it and they would rightfully discriminate her and slutshame her but that isn't the case anymore. Most women living in cities are riding the CC but face no judgement for their slutty crimes because no one even notices it.
5) The invention of the internet and dating websites/apps. Those inventions made it extremely easy for women to find the top male of their area without even knowing him. Ordering a pizza nowadays is harder than ordering a free dick to come to the place of any woman no matter how attractive or unattractive the woman is. The other negative aspect of those inventions is the fact that they have inflated the ego of each woman to astronomical levels. Every woman nowadays has the princess complex because thousands of lonely thirsty men worship each woman and beg for a little pussy. This absurd phenomenon led to the very common delusion most women have nowadays that they deserve a tall top tier 10/10 multimillionaire man.
6) The smartphone. This satanic invention gave the opportunity to women to chat anytime anywhere with strangers. After a few messages on the go they can arrange meetings with strangers and ride the CC. Women can also use their smartphone to check anytime anywhere how many likes and donations the SIMPS have given them which means constant dopamine overdose and constant princess complex 24/7.
7) The legalisation of premarital sex which gave women the right to ride the CC with the top 10% of men. If premarital sex were illegal, women would not ride the CC but instead they would pick at young age an average looking trustworthy man to marry and start a family with.
8) The legalisation of child murder also known as ''abortion'' which made it even easier for women to ride the CC without having any fears about the consequences of their actions. If abortion were illegal, women would be more careful and wouldn't ride the CC because top tier men who pump and dump lots of women simply can't raise a family with lots of women at the same time, so it would be risky for women to give pussy to such men who would possibly leave them anytime for other women, especially in the case of pregnancy since top tier men obviously want to have as much pussy as possible and don't care much about relationships and family.
9) The normalisation of prostitution. Most women nowadays are e-prostitutes posting their half naked bodies to instagram, twitter, twitch etc in exchange of likes and worshipping comments from thirsty SIMPS. Some women even demand money for it and make in fact very good money from it, much more that actual and useful professions such as doctors and engineers. The mass media, friends and even parents of those women encourage this slutty and predatory behavior. Many women in this day and age prefer to be e-prostitutes than have an actual relationship with a single man. Getting attention from thousands of male strangers is preferable cause a single man can't satisfy the average woman's burned out from dopamine brain anymore.
10) The hoeflation is the artificially inflated value of low value women. The result is that overweight women, women with tattoos, high mileage sluts, single mothers etc have extremely high demands from men but most men are not willing to fulfill such demands for low value women, therefore many men remain alone by their own choice.
No, for many reasons definitely NOT. Prostitution is legal in many countries but pussy insecurity and the loneliness and sexlesness of men is still a huge problem because most men are not willing to pay for something that is their godgiven right aka free quality pussy. Prostitutes just offer a fake service for unreasonable and overpriced prices. In fact over 99% of prostitutes manipulate the sex market with unethical price gouging, something that is completely illegal in all other markets but somehow is considered acceptable in the completely unregulated sex market we have in this day and age. Also noteworthy is that prostitutes do not offer exclusivity, loyalty, love and companionship so even legalized prostitution would not help at all.
The official stance of the NPNW organisation on prostitution is that it should be banned because it is robbery, abuse and exploitation. Ruthless female predators preying on traumatized, lonely and horny men are highly criminal and should be arrested and charged with crimes against humanity. Basically we are against the feministic and misandristic nordic model approach to prostitution, a model which contributes a lot to the systemic oppression of men. Objectively speaking,the female criminal seller of sex should be punished but the buyer (victim) shouldn't. In fact the buyer should get rewarded with monetary reparations for his traumatic experience.
The NPNW proposes the recognition of a new fundamental human right in the Universal declaration of human rights. The declaration is very outdated from an era that was very different back then. The modern world nowadays has new problems and challenges that require modern solutions. That's why the NPNW proposes that access to looksmatched pussy should be made a universal basic human right for all men no matter their race, height, phenotype, language, social status, political affiliation and economic background. The essential reproductive rights and basic human rights of millions of men get violated every day and this is inexcusable. The UN must correct the declaration as soon as possible but this is clearly not enough.
Surely a new article in the declaration will not fix the problem by itself just like that. There needs to be a new set of laws and policies to revolutionise the sex market and a new fair system where all pussy will be distributed equally among all the males of society who rightfully deserve it. The system will match men and women together and they will have to become an exclusive couple. A trial period of one month of being together is recommended. Once the trial is over they can decide together if this is a correct decision or not. Something like state enforced sexual communism.
Implementing sexual communism is very challenging that's why an elaborate plan and a new ministry should be made for this purpose. The Ministry of Sexual Affairs would be a fitting name. Its highly educated and skilled employees should be responsible for matching all male and female citizens to eachother according to various characteristics such as age, looks, genetics, intelligence, BMI, social and financial status, religion and political affiliation. This way conflicts could be prevented since no tattooed person would get matched with a person who has no tattoos and no obese person would get matched with a skinny person for example. Men and women of the same value would get matched. Not just SMV but intellectual and general value too.
After their match each citizen will get notified and invited to report to the local town hall or police station where they meet their matched citizen and sign a contract for a trial period of one month. On the contract with their signature they promise that they will respect their matched person and they will be loyal and strictly exclusive to eachother and have sex once every day and that they will not hurt the other person. Note that this contract is not a marriage contract. After the trial period they will return to the town hall and they will have to decide if they will stay together or not in front of 5 male judges who will either approve the decision of the couple or not. Why male judges? Because unlike women, men can be rational, intelligent and have good reasoning skills.
Both the male and the female have the right to reject the other person but they will have to provide 5 good reasons for it. Ridiculous arguments such as ''your honor, the man you gave me is only 40cm taller than me, give me a taller man tehee'' will be automatically dismissed by the judges. If the judges decide that a couple is incompatible then the man and the woman will return into the database and eventually get re-matched with another person but they will always get matched with people only of similar SMV. This way women will not have the opportunity to date up no matter how many average men they reject, something that is today a major problem in the completely unregulated capitalistic sex market.
Also noteworthy is that a system like that would be possible only if extramarital sex would be criminalized and made in fact a capital offense. Without such a crucial law, the whole system would be pointless since most women would cheat and ride the CC despite being married to their looksmatched man.
Indeed sexual communism is certainly not realistic since women would never accept such a system that would limit their freedom and make it harder for them to ride the CC and be the side-bitch of a top tier man.
The NPNW+ movement strives for absolute sexual justice and we do NOT settle for anything else than excellent looksmatched pussy but we can propose a temporary fix during the transition phase from the current tyrannical sexual capitalistic system into the flawless sexual communistic system in order to make the transition more smooth since people don't like sudden changes into their lifestyle. The temporary fix is called sexual reparations.
Lonely and sexually oppressed men who are eligible for reparations will receive a ''Certificate of entitlement to the right of sexual reparations''(CESR). Sexual reparations are monetary reparations paid monthly or weekly to each holder of this certificate by the goverment's budget, aka the taxes from the working class. A new agency should be founded in order to process all the millions of applications of lonely and sexless men. Sexual reparations agency (SRA) would be a good fitting name for this agency. Simple and straight to the point. Its highly skilled employees will be also trained to detect any fraudsters who may apply for this certificate despite being pussy secure sexhavers.
It is also important to note that the exact amount of reparations should be individual for each man depending on his age and how much pussy he deserves. The more pussy a man deserves the more money he should receive. Many factors determine how much pussy/reparations a man deserves such as:
1) his age difference between the age he should start having sex (14-16yo) and his current age (the older the more money because more sex sessions missed out on)
2) his criminal record (the cleaner the more money)
3) his BMI (the more healthy BMI the more money)
4) his tattoos (the less tattoos the more money)
5) his blood test (the more drugfree the more money)
6) his intelligence (the higher the IQ the more money)
7) his working history (the more hours worked in the past the more money)
No eligible man should get paid less than $5000/month. Anything less than $5000 for someone who has to endure daily trauma from the lack of pussy and basic human rights in his life, is risible at best and an open mockery at worst.
Lonely and sexually oppressed men who are eligible for CEST will receive also one more certificate, the ''Certificate of entitlement to sexual therapy'' (CEST) and with this certificate they will have also the right to redeem 30 hours of sex per month at a brothel of his choice. Wait, didn't we say that prostitution should be banned before? Yes we did but as long as prostitution is state enforced and regulated, exploitations of men can be prevented. Only holders of this certificate will have the right to redeem sex and the prostitutes will receive a fixed salary directly from the goverment. Giving any money to prostitutes will be strictly forbidden. Any prostitutes who accept money or clients who don't possess the certificate will risk losing their license permanently. This policy is temporary until the implementation of sexual communism. Once the implementation has been finished, prostitution will be banned again in order to protect men from getting exploited by evil prostitutes.
If sexual reparations happened for real, some people would be very unsatisfied with the new system and specifically the sexhavers who have to work hard and pay lots of taxes for men who can simply sit at home, receive passive income and can redeem free sex all paid by the taxpayers. In that case taxpayers would feel like being the ''victims'' of the new system and they would ask for change and there is only one fair, perfect and flawless system that they will eventually accept. It is called sexual communism and it will make everyone happy. Women will not pay anymore taxes to sexless men and men will finally get the sex and their exclusive loyal wife they rightfully deserve.
This website if the official website of the NPNW organisation.
NPNW is a humanitarian non-profit organisation. Inspired by the NPNW philosophy, our mission is to spread the NPNW ideals and raise awareness about the struggles of millions of systemically oppressed lonely and sexless pussy insecure men who have no basic fundamental human rights in this modern dystopian godforsaken world.
We have a passion for innovation, commitment and excellence. We are rebellious optimists driven by inaction, with a desire to shape a better future for mankind.
Inaction is the lack of action or activity or in other words the lack of work or the lack of contribution. The members of the NPNW+ movement are also known as men of inaction because they are not active members of society anymore. The man of inaction (MOI) is also the symbol of the NPNW+ movement. It is a man with crossed arms which symbolizes his inaction and apathy.
Officially no but there are a few similarities between the MGTOW philosophy and the NPNW philosophy so some men might support both movements at the same time. We officially do not support MGTOW because the fundamental core values of NPNW are no work and no taxes while MGTOW promotes being economically active members of society while not giving any money and resources to women. We also do not agree with the ''G'' in MGTOW. Clearly an ''S'' should have been in its place.
This is a common misconception from observers outside of the manosphere. They have the false impression that a lonely man who can't get pussy is automatically a misogynist which is completely incorrect as multiple studies have proven that attractive and tall misogynists have no problems getting lots of pussy while unattractive philogynists can't get any pussy.
To clear up any confusion, the NPNW organisation consists only of philogynists. We love women, we admire them, we want them in our lives. Misogynists hate women, we clearly don't and will never do.
NPNW+ is a controversial movement for highly intelligent individuals, therefore officially no allies exist so far. There is widespread NPNWphobia and the members of the movement face a lot of discrimination and marginalization. This is also why this website was made in order to make a safe space where followers of the NPNW philosophy will not be made fun of by evil bigots.
No, no social media allow freedom of speech therefore we decided to stay away from any social media that will censor us or even allow hate speech and NPNWphobia against us. This website is the only official page of the NPNW organisation. Any fake social media pages you may find are made by impersonators and you should ignore them.
NPNW+ is highly diverse and inclusive. Loneliness, sexlessness and pussy deprivation is a worldwide phenomenon that unites millions of men from all over the world no matter their race, age, language, religion, phenotype, social status, political affiliation and economic background. It doesn't matter what language they speak, it doesn't matter what God they believe in, it doesn't matter how much money they have in their pockets. Millions of very different men from all kinds of classes of society have the same problem, pussy insecurity, and a common goal, to get lots of pussy and become happy. Even sexhavers are welcome in the NPNW+ as long as they want to support the movement and help it to grow. You don't have to be lonely and sexless yourself to advocate for the human rights of lonely and sexless men. Heterosexual people go at LGBT demonstrations to support homosexual rights, white people go at BLM demonstrations to support black rights and ecological activists in countries with no ecological problems protest for policies to prevent climate change. You can show your support for a good cause even if you are not personally affected by it.
There are many ways to help. Firstly and most importantly you can help by spreading the word and specifically the 4 holy pillars of the NPNW philosophy. Another way of supporting the movement is simply donating to the NPNW organisation. We will use the donations to finance this website and more projects in the future. Lastly, if you are innovative and creative, you can start various projects by yourself such as campaigns in your town in order to bring awareness about the NPNW philosophy in your local community. From flyers to concerts, the possibilities are endless.
It is totally okay to disagree. We have democracy and every opinion is valid, even if it wrong. If you wish to sabotage the NPNW+ movement there are several ways to do it.
If you are female you can provide pussy to the lonely and sexless men you know irl. You can also find easily thousands of them in dating websites and apps. By giving them lots of pussy you will prevent lots of men from joining the NPNW+ movement. If you are male you can sabotage the movement by offering your sister or daughter to the lonely and sexless men you know irl. You can even setup a dating profile for your daughter and sister and arrange meetings with men who rightfully deserve pussy.
Regardless of your gender, if you have your own business then you can sabotage the NPNW+ movement by hiring lonely and sexless employees and paying them extremely high salaries. Money motivates people to discard their principles and do things that they usually wouldn't do. Every person has a price and surely some weak-minded members of the NPNW+ movement who are not much dedicated to the NPNW philosophy would quit the NPNW+ movement if an employer paid them a salary of like 1 million € per month. The NPNW organisation officially does not condone such traitorous behavior but we have democracy and every person makes his own decisions and that's totally acceptable.
If you have lots of money, you can sabotage the NPNW+ movement by purchasing our phenomenal domain. This way our spectacular website and the NPNW+ movement will disappear. This power move will cost you only 10 million US dollars. Read more about this here or go directly to the sale page of our majestic domain.
If you have no money but a creative mind, you can also sabotage the NPNW+ movement by starting an anti-NPNW+ movement. Lastly, if you have the political power you can even establish a totalitarian regime in your country and send the members of the NPNW+ movement to gulags and force them to provide their labor and services to the rest of society by pointing guns at them at all times.
If you are an enlightened person and think that you are capable of debating us then feel free to contact us here. Note that the NPNW philosophy is based on irrefutable FACTS therefore any counterarguments are simply impossible to make but you are more than welcome to try.
Do you think that this comprehensive FAQ page is not informative enough? If you have more questions about NPNW do not hesitate to contact us. We will respond as soon as possible.
If you get absolutely no pussy then this means that you are pussyfree. If you get some pussy from time to time then this means that you are pussy insecure. Pussy insecurity is defined as the condition of limited or uncertain access to adequate and safe pussy. This term is more inclusive than the term pussyfree and that's why we use it more often. Remember that under-pussied sexhavers are systemically oppressed too, therefore they are welcome into the NPNW+ movement too.
The NPNW+ movement is primarily for traumatized men who are suffering from pussyfree trauma (CPDD+PTSD). Are you suffering from this kind of trauma?
Is your POCS/PODS negative? Then you are literally MADE for the NPNW+ movement.
Who said that you have to pay rent? NO PUSSY NO RENT. Send your rent invoice to the ministry of finance of your country or your local jobcentre. If they refuse to cover the costs of your rent, you will have to find an alternative solution depending on your budget. If you have lots of savings, you can emigrate to a cheap country where you can afford rent and a comfy lifestyle for many years. Alternatively, for less money you could become a vanlifer or a self-sufficient hermit in a cabin the woods.
With sexual reparations of course. Oh wait, the tyrannical goverment of your failed state doesn't distribute sexual reparations to its systemically oppressed pussyfree and humanrightsfree citizens? Many such cases but no worries, there are lots of alternative ways to make money and survive. You can claim welfare benefits that are intended for unemployed or physically disabled people. You can receive passive income from investments like crypto. You can buy and resell stuff. If you prefer tutorial mode, you can roleplay as a woman in the internet and get paid by SIMPS for simply existing. In the era of AI technology there are no excuses. Alternatively, you can also survive without any money. Just drop completely out of society, live in a cabin in the woods and grow/hunt your own food. If everything fails and you can't survive, as last resort we recommend working even though it is against our fundamental principles. You should do the absolute bare minimum though. This means low effort part-time jobs or so-called gig-jobs, such as delivery driver for example.
If you are programming for your own satisfaction, then this means that programming is your hobby. There is a huge difference between a hobby and a job. If you worked at Noobisoft or Lockstar and programmed for a living then yes, this would be the definition of the ultimate cuckoldry. We hope we cleared this up for you. Continue enjoying your hobby without any worries about cuckoldry.
No, we don't believe that a lonely touch starved pussy insecure man should slit his own wrists solely because of no pussy. Such an important decision depends on many factors like your age, geographical location, financial situation etc. We have no idea how exactly is your life situation, so we can't really give you a personal advice. You should discuss this with a psychologist, ideally a male psychologist who can understand male issues such as chronic loneliness and absolute pussyfreeness.
Yes, we care.
Simple A-S
Simple A-S
NO PUSSY NO FORUM. See more info here.
Simple A-S
No, officially there is no such place. Feel free to create an unofficial place/community.
Maybe if our budget allows this in the future. For now this is not possible.
No. Getting pussy ''one day'' doesn't cut it. We missed out on thousands of sex sessions since the day we should start having sex and obviously there is no recovery from this irreversible damage even if we become sexhavers in the future. Besides, even as sexhavers we would like to keep the website to support and stand in solidarity with oppressed pussy insecure men in their fight against the systemic oppression and sexual inequality/injustice in this dystopian world.
We can but we won't. We will consider only requests about copyright infringement. All other requests will be ignored. We are supporters of absolute free speech, therefore any kind of censorship is absolutely out of the question. Note that our servers are located in the United States of America, therefore our website is subject to US law. Fortunately, in the USA there is something called ''freedom of speech''. According to the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, free speech is a fundamental personal right and liberty. The First Amendment protects even speech that many sensitive people would see as offensive or hateful. In other words, stop being a little bitch ass gay crybaby and learn to tolerate the unpopular views and expressions of other people. Is tolerance too spicy for you? No worries, we have a solution for you. You can purchase our phenomenal domain. This way our splendid website and its ''offensive'' content will disappear from the internet. This power move will cost you only 10 million US dollars. Read more about this here or go directly to the sale page of our domain.
No idea, ask Mohamedson at your local IKEA store. We would probably decline the award, unless it is bundled with the PTP that we rightfully deserve.
Of course you can support us. Anyone from any gender and race can support us. We are not sexists. We welcome diversity and inclusion.
There is a big button on the Home page. Can't miss it.
It depends. What are the specs of the pussy in question? We will consider only VIP.
Simple A-S
Simple A-S
Simple A-S
Also re-read the previous question.
Simple A-S
Language is constantly evolving as people come up with better words that reflect our society or culture. If ''mansplaining'' and ''deadnaming'' are real words in this modern dystopian clown world, then our own words are real words too.
You wouldn't get it.
Simple A-S
Simple A-S
Pay more attention and join NPNW+.
We are experts at getting no pussy but we have no personal experience with ebola, therefore we cannot make a comparison. You should ask a pussyfree ebola survivor.
Please follow the traffic rules and use your turn signals no matter your POCS/PODS.
We are not findom enthusiasts. We are not interested in a fake transactional relationship with a prostitute. Our social skills are excellent by the way.
Because there is no such thing as sexual therapy in this dystopian godforsaken world. Read more about this here.
A girlfriend with a pussy (ideally VIPTP).
Simple A-S
Let us know if you want us to give you also the DICK.
Not a question by the way.
Also not a question but understandable.
In that case, you are clearly at the wrong place. Make your own movement with blackjack and twinks. You should also consider joining a community for clinically insane people, such as the Preddit community for example.
No one should feel entitled to an answer. Stop the entitlement, try some self improvement and you might get an answer in the future (no guarantee).
Do you think that this comprehensive FAQ page is not informative enough? If you have more questions about NPNW do not hesitate to contact us. We will respond as soon as possible.