The NPNW does not approve of this job because as a firefighter you risk your life to save the lives of sexhavers. That's the definition of the ultimate cuckoldry. Besides, nearly 95% of firefighters are men and that's clearly a sign of patriarchy and inequality. Modern strong and independent women don't need men after all so men should leave firefighting to women.
Simple A-S
The NPNW does not approve of this job because as a pilot you bring women to exotic places to ride the CC. That's the definition of the ultimate cuckoldry. Women shouldn't feel entitled to easy and cheap ways to travel to exotic places. They should go on foot if they can, besides modern women are strong and independent and they claim that don't need men although 95% of pilots are men.
Simple A-S
The NPNW does not approve of this job because as a police officer you are not allowed to arrest criminal sluts for their slutty crimes. As a matter of fact your job is to protect them. That's the definition of the ultimate cuckoldry.
On top of that your job is to maintain the dystopian tyrannical oppressive order of the evil misandristic regime you serve so it's a no brainer really.
Simple A-S
The NPNW does not approve of this job because as an electrician you maintain the electrical grid that gives sexhavers the opportunity to enjoy the comforts of the modern electrified society. That's the definition of the ultimate cuckoldry. No one should feel entitled to electricity because of our labor. Entitled people should generate their own electricity by themselves.
Simple A-S
The NPNW does not approve of this job because as a doctor you help sexhavers to be healthy so that they can keep having lots of sex and enjoying their sex lives. That's the definition of the ultimate cuckoldry. No one should feel entitled to healthcare because of our labor. Entitled people should treat and heal their own injury or sickness
by themselves.
Simple A-S
The NPNW does not approve of this job because as a paramedic you provide emergency treatment to sick or injured sexhavers. That's the definition of the ultimate cuckoldry. No one should feel entitled to emergency treatment and a free easy ride to a hospital. Entitled people should walk to the hospital by themselves or actually stay at home and treat their injuries themselves.
Simple A-S
The NPNW does not approve of this job because as a biochemist you research and develop meds and vaccines that cure sexhavers from AIDS or Covid19. That's the definition of the ultimate cuckoldry. No one should feel entitled to a pill or vaccine that will cure their disease because of our labor. Entitled sick people should just drink lots of liquids and try the pray to God therapy.
Simple A-S
The NPNW does not approve of this job because as a captain you ensure that a ship reaches its destination without hitting the shore and blocking the Suez canal nor hitting an iceberg and sinking into the bottom of the ocean. No one should feel entitled to a ship that reaches its destination because of our labor. Entitled people should build canoes and paddle on their own.
Simple A-S
The NPNW does not approve of this job because as an urologist you examine the genitals of sexhavers so that you can diagnose the STDs that sexhavers spread to eachother. That's the definition of the ultimate humiliation and cuckoldry. No one should feel entitled to diagnosis and treatment of their gonorrhea, syphilis and HIV. Entitled sexhavers should practise abstinence to avoid STDs.
Simple A-S
The NPNW does not approve of this job because as a construction worker you build and maintain the infrastructure of this society that benefits sexhavers. No one should feel entitled to buildings, roads and bridges because of our labor. Entitled people should build their own houses and bridges with their own hands by themselves.
Simple A-S
The NPNW does not approve of this job because as a waste collector you collect the trash that sexhavers leave behind. That's the definition of the ultimate cuckoldry. No one one should feel entitled to a neighbourhood free from smelly trash because of our labor. Entitled people should either dispose their own trash into the ocean or find a way to recycle them by themselves.
Simple A-S
The NPNW does not approve of this job because as a truck driver you transport goods that will be used by sexhavers and consooomers who buy dumb stuff.
No one should feel entitled to easy transportation of goods near their homes because of our labor. Entitled people should travel to China to get their latest smartphone or fakeup product on their own.
Simple A-S
The NPNW does not approve of this job because as a psychologist you have to listen to all the bullshit made up ''problems'' that sexhavers claim to have in their love lives. That's the definition of the ultimate cuckoldry. No one should feel entitled to the ears of a compassionate person. Entitled people should keep their own problems and thoughts inside their own heads.
Simple A-S
The NPNW does not approve of this job because as a parcel courier you deliver parcels to the homes of sexhavers. That's the definition of the ultimate cuckoldry. No one should feel entitled to the convenience of getting parcels delivered to their door because of our labor. Entitled people should walk to their nearest store to purchase the latest ''current thing'' product on their own.
Simple A-S
The NPNW does not approve of this job because as personal trainer you help sexhavers to lose weight and become fit so that they can build endurance for long and hard sex sessions. That's the definition of the ultimate cuckoldry. No one should feel entitled to a gym and personal training. Entitled people should go for long walks and lift some rocks and wood logs on their own.
Simple A-S
The NPNW does not approve of this job because as a smartphone repairman you repair the smartphones that sexhavers use in order to chat and arrange sex meetings with eachother. That's the definition of the ultimate cuckoldry. No one should feel entitled to a smartphone that works properly because of our labor. Entitled people should repair their own smartphones
by themselves.
Simple A-S
The NPNW does not approve of this job because as a bartender you mix and serve drinks to sexhavers and especially women who get free drinks paid by SIMPS. That's the definition of the ultimate cuckoldry. No one should feel entitled to drinks served in a glass because of our labor. Entitled people should buy their own bottles of drinks and mix them at home by themselves.
Simple A-S
The NPNW does not approve of this job because as a bus driver you help sexhavers to travel easily from point A to point B. Some of them even take the bus to go meet other sexhavers for sex. That's the definition of the ultimate cuckoldry. No one should feel entitled to easy transportation because of our labor. Entitled people should use their own legs to walk to their destination.
Simple A-S
The NPNW does not approve of this job because as a farmer you grow food that will feed sexhavers. That's the definition of the ultimate cuckoldry. No one should feel entitled to food easily available to get in the local supermarket because of our labor. Entitled people should go in the woods to hunt animals or search for fruits and vegetables on their own.
Simple A-S
The NPNW does not approve of this job because as a pharmacist you sell condoms, pregnancy tests and pain meds to sexhavers who ''suffer'' from sexual fatigue. That's the definition of the ultimate humiliation and cuckoldry. No one should feel entitled to a sex life without consequences because of our labor. Entitled people should practise abstinence in order to avoid pregnancy and STDs.
Simple A-S
The NPNW does not approve of this job because as a pastor or priest you forgive the sins and most importantly the sexual sins of sexhavers. That's the definition of the ultimate cuckoldry. No one should feel entitled to an easy entry into heaven because of our labor. Entitled sinners should ask God for forgiveness on their own.
Simple A-S
The NPNW does not approve of this job because as a car mechanic you repair the cars that sexhavers use to travel long distances to meet with other sexhavers in order to have lots of sex. That's the definition of the ultimate cuckoldry. No one should feel entitled to a good car that is working properly because of our labor. Entitled people should fix their own cars by themselves.
Simple A-S
The NPNW does not approve of this job because as a food courier you deliver food to sexhavers who have no time to cook because they are too busy having lots of cuddles and sex. That's the definition of the ultimate cuckoldry. No one should feel entitled to the comfort of getting warm food delivered to their door. Entitled people should walk to a restaurant to order food on their own.
Simple A-S
The NPNW does not approve of this job because as a soldier you risk your life to protect the sexhavers and the women of your country from enemy forces. Just a quick look at the current Russo-ukrainian war is proof that being a soldier is the ultimate cuckoldry. No woman and no sexhaver should feel entitled to protection from invading forces. Entitled people should protect themselves.
Simple A-S
The NPNW does not approve of this job because as a lifeguard you rescue sexhavers from drowning. That's the definition of the ultimate cuckoldry. No one should feel entitled to carefree swimming in the ocean or the pool because of our labor. Entitled people should either use their own arms to swim onto safety or accept their genetic inferiority and drown.
Survival of the fittest they say
Simple A-S
The NPNW does not approve of this job because as a massage therapist you help sexhavers to relieve their muscle soreness they get after long and hard sex sessions. That's the definition of the ultimate cuckoldry. No one should feel entitled to a massage from a professional masseur. Entitled people should massage their own sore muscles by themselves.
Simple A-S
The NPNW does not approve of this job because as a hairdresser you cut the hair of sexhavers so that they look presentable to other sexhavers they meet, date and fuck. That's the definition of the ultimate cuckoldry. No one should feel entitled to a clean and trendy haircut because of our labor. Entitled people should cut their own hair by themselves.
Simple A-S
The NPNW does not approve of this job because as a prison guard you provide a safe society to sexhavers by ensuring that prisoners remain locked up. No one should feel entitled to a society free from murderers, thieves and rapists because of our labor. Entitled people should build a fence around their house and confront on their own any robbers and rapists who may attempt to break in.
Simple A-S
The NPNW does not approve of this job because as an oil rig worker you extract from earth the oil that fuels the cars that sexhavers use in order to drive long distances and meet their partners for lots of sex. No one should feel entitled to oil easily available to get in nearby gas stations because of our labor. Entitled people should drill their backyard and find oil on their own.
Simple A-S
The NPNW does not approve of this job because as an ATM technician you fill ATM's with the cash that will end up in the pockets of prostitutes who prey on lonely men. That's the definition of the ultimate cuckoldry. No one should feel entitled to dishonest cash income and tax evasion. Entitled whores should accept bank transfers or checks by their clients and get taxed on their income.
Simple A-S
The NPNW does not approve of this job because as a porn cameraman you record sexhavers having lots of sex right in front of your eyes. That's literally the definition of the ultimate humiliation and cuckoldry. No one should feel entitled to porn videos because of our labor. Entitled cuckolds should contact sexhavers and ask them to have sex in front of them.
Simple A-S
The NPNW does not approve of this job because as theater attendant you sell movie tickets and popcorn to sexhavers going on movie dates with their loved partners right in front of your eyes. That's the definition of the ultimate humiliation and cuckoldry. No one should feel entitled to the latest unholywood movie in IMAX 3D. Entitled people should watch old movies at home.
Simple A-S
The NPNW does not approve of this job because as funeral director you help deceased sexhavers to get a proper burial and blessings from a pastor. No one should feel entitled to an easy transportation to a cemetery and a properly blessed burial because of our labor. Entitled people should resurrect from the dead, walk to a cemetery, dig a hole, read some prayers and drop dead in the hole.
Simple A-S
The NPNW does not approve of this job because as a photographer you take photos of e-prostitutes who upload the photos to instathots and onlysluts for likes and gifts from SIMPS. You also take weddings photos of sexhavers so that's the definition of the ultimate cuckoldry. No one should feel entitled to professional photography. Entitled people should take selfies with their phones.
Simple A-S
The NPNW does not approve of this job because as a police dispatcher you have to listen to the ''emergency'' calls of sexhavers and send them some help. That's the definition of the ultimate cuckoldry because the genocide of millions of lonely men is the biggest emergency on earth, yet nobody helps. No one should be entitled to help then. Entitled people should call God for help.
Simple A-S
The NPNW does not approve of this job because as a bouncer you ensure that a bar or nightclub is filled only with women and wealthy looking SIMPS who will probably spend a lot of money to buy drinks for sluts. No slut should feel entitled to a bar or club filled with wealthy SIMPS instead of ''selfish creeps''. Entitled sluts should get a job and buy their own drinks by themselves.
Simple A-S
The NPNW does not approve of this job because as a fisher you catch fish that will feed sexhavers. No one should feel entitled to omega-3 fatty acids in their diet because of our labor. Entitled people should go fishing on their own. They should also teach themselves how to fish. The famous saying ''teach a man to fish'' sounds like entitlement. No one owes any fishing lessons to anyone.
Simple A-S
The NPNW does not approve of this job because as a lawyer you defend criminal sexhavers in court trying to secure their freedom so that they can keep having lots of sex with other sexhavers. That's the definition of the ultimate cuckoldry. No one should feel entitled to freedom and defense by a professional lawyer. Entitled defendants should defend themselves in court.
Simple -A
The NPNW does not approve of this job because as a security guard you secure and protect the property and interests of sexhavers. That's the definition of the ultimate cuckoldry. No one should feel entitled to security because of our labor. Entitled people should secure their own property by themselves.
Simple A-S
The NPNW does not approve of this job because as an airport security officer you ensure that sexhavers enjoy safe flights by preventing deranged passengers from bringing weapons and explosives inside airplanes.
No one should feel entitled to flights that arrive to their destination without exploding midair. Entitled passengers should disarm hijackers and defuse explosives on their own.
Simple A-S
The NPNW does not approve of this job because as a cybersecurity engineer you ensure that the accounts of instathots and onlysluts remain secure from hackers so that sluts can keep making money from SIMPS. No slut should feel entitled to secure accounts because of our labor. Entitled e-prostitutes should go to the streets and sell their bodies like in the old times before the internet.
Simple A-S
The NPNW does not approve of this job because as a suicide line counselor you have to listen to the so called ''problems'' that sexhavers claim to have in their sexful lives. That's the definition of the ultimate cuckoldry. No one should feel entitled to emotional support and suicide prevention. Entitled suicidal people should just man/woman up, go for long walks and find some hobbies.
Simple A-S
The NPNW does not approve of this job because as a server you serve food and drinks to sexhavers who are dating before the inevitable sex later at home. That's the definition of the ultimate humiliation and cuckoldry. No one should feel entitled to a server bringing food and drinks like a cuckold servant boy. Entitled people should walk to the kitchen to pick up their order on their own.
Simple A-S
The NPNW does not approve of this job because as a teletechnician you install and repair internet lines so that e-prostitutes can broadcast their bodies on twitch,livejasmin,chaturbate etc and prey on the wallets of lonely SIMPS. No slut should feel entitled to e-prostitution. Entitled e-prostitutes should go to the streets and sell their bodies like in the old times before the internet.
Simple A-S
The NPNW does not approve of this job because as a plumber you ensure that the houses of sexhavers have running water. That's the definition of the ultimate cuckoldry. No one should feel entitled to a warm shower after a long and nasty sex session. Entitled people should walk to their nearest river in order to clean all the sweat, semen and vaginal fluids from their bodies.
Simple A-S
The NPNW does not approve of this job because as a bug exterminator you destroy bug infestations in the houses of sexhavers. That's the definition of the ultimate cuckoldry. No one should feel entitled to a house free from bed bugs and cockroaches. Entitled people should either eliminate infestations on their own or accept sleeping and having sex next to bed bugs and cockroaches.
Simple A-S
The NPNW does not approve of this job because as a driving instructor you teach sexhavers how to safely drive to the houses of their loved partners without crashing their car and dying. That's the definition of the ultimate cuckoldry. No one should feel entitled to driving lessons because of our labor. Entitled people should learn how to drive through own experimentation and practise.
Simple A-S
The NPNW does not approve of this job because as a hotel worker you provide rooms to sexhavers and then wash the sheets from the bed where they had lots of cuddles and sex. That's the definition of the ultimate humiliation and cuckoldry. No one should feel entitled to hotel rooms and clean bed sheets because of our labor. Entitled people should camp outdoors and sleep on the cold ground.
Simple A-S
The NPNW does not approve of this job because as an anesthesiologist you sedate sexhavers so that they feel no pain during surgeries. That's the definition of the ultimate cuckoldry. No one should feel entitled to a painfree surgery because of our labor. Entitled people should man/woman up and deal with the pain. Ever heard of the wise saying ''no pain no gain''?
Simple A-S
The NPNW does not approve of this job because as a veterinarian you ensure that dogs are healthy so that women can be ''dog moms'' instead of human moms. Some sluts even engage in bestiality with their dogs. That's the definition of the ultimate cuckoldry. No one should be entitled to healthy dogs because of our labor. Entitled people should try healing their sick dogs with some prayers.
Simple A-S
The NPNW does not approve of this job because as an obstetrician you help women that you never fucked to bring the children of other men to life. That's the definition of the ultimate humiliation and cuckoldry. No one should feel entitled to an easy childbirth because of our labor. Entitled women should just woman up, push harder and give birth on their own at home. It's not hard ladies.
Simple A-S
The NPNW does not approve of this job because as a logger you cut the wood that is used for the production of furniture and toilet paper. No one should feel entitled to wooden beds that can endure hard sex sessions and toilet paper because of our labor. Entitled people should have sex on the floor and use leaves from their nearest tree to clean their anal area.
Simple A-S
The NPNW does not approve of this job because as a pastry chef you bake cakes that are used by sexhavers to celebrate their sexual milestones. That's the definition of the ultimate cuckoldry. No one should feel entitled to a wedding cake for their wedding day and birthday cakes for their children's birthday party. Entitled people should bake their own cakes with their own hands.
Simple A-S
The NPNW does not approve of this job because as a jeweler you craft the jewelry that betabuxxers and SIMPS buy for women who are obsessed with shiny rocks for some weird reason. That's the definition of the ultimate cuckoldry. No one should feel entitled to polished jewels from an expert jeweler. Entitled women should get a pickaxe and mine nearby caves to find shiny rocks on their own.
Simple A-S